Covid-19 is a serious viral infection that causes fevers, respiratory complications and worse. You may also experience Covid 19 Hair Loss. Unfortunately, the virus has been linked to a number of on-going health issues, including hair loss. Some patients don't experience any symptoms at all while others may be plagued by the virus' effects for months or even years after their initial infections.
Hair loss after Covid-19 can be a symptom, and in some cases, it's temporary.
In some cases, hair loss after Covid 19 is a symptom of the virus. It's important to remember that this can be temporary or permanent. In other cases, Covid 19 hair loss may be caused by stress and anxiety:
- If a person is under significant psychological stress (such as in the case of losing a loved one), he or she could experience hair loss as a result of increased cortisol levels in their body.
- Certain anti-viral medications are known to cause temporary hair loss in some people who take them: for example, zidovudine (AZT) is one such drug used to treat HIV/AIDS patients; however, if you're taking such medication and experiencing side effects such as severe nausea or vomiting—and especially if these symptoms persist for more than two weeks—you should speak with your doctor about switching medications or discontinuing treatment altogether until your symptoms have resolved completely.
Covid-19 hair loss can be related to stress.
If you're experiencing hair loss after Covid 19 coronavirus, it's important to speak with a health professional about potential causes. One possible cause for hair loss is stress. Additionally, hormonal changes can lead to temporary hair loss that may last anywhere from a few weeks to a few months. This type of hair loss often begins at the crown of the head and appears thinner than usual.
Many times Covid 19 hair loss would be categorized as telogen effluvium, which is caused by a shock to the system, such as an infection or severe stress. It can also be caused by major surgery, pregnancy and childbirth.
Strict adherence to anti-viral medication regimens and self care is essential.
While it is not known yet if there are any long-term consequences of having been infected with the virus, it is important to remember that you may have other health problems that could be affected by the virus. For example, if you have an underlying heart condition or diabetes, stress can make those conditions worse.
In terms of recovering from symptoms caused by having been infected with covid-19 coronavirus (such as hair loss), there are some things you can do to speed up recovery:
- Strict adherence to anti-viral medication regimens and self care is essential; follow all instructions given by your healthcare provider carefully
- Get enough rest and sleep (at least eight hours each night)
- Eat a healthy diet (foods rich in B vitamins such as meat and dairy products)
- Exercise regularly (walking 30 minutes a day will be sufficient for most people)
Some patients do lose their hair permanently.
A lot of people who've had the virus don't lose their hair, but for some patients, their hair does fall out. In most cases, this is temporary and the hair will grow back naturally.
But for others, the loss can be permanent and cause severe bald patches or a widespread thinning of all their hair. Some people find that when they recover from the virus (which usually happens after two weeks), they have more than usual amounts of new growth in certain areas like behind their ears or on top of their head. This isn't necessarily something to worry about—it's just part of recovering from the virus itself!
Hair loss can affect anyone with Covid-19, not just those who have experienced severe symptoms.
The severity of hair loss after Covid 19 coronavirus can vary from person to person depending on their immune system response; however, having experienced one type does not mean you'll experience another when exposed again later on down the line!

Be aware of the virus' fallout on your mental health.
Be aware of the virus' fallout on your mental health. Covid-19 can cause depression, anxiety and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). If you've been affected by these symptoms after contracting the virus, it's important that you seek help from a doctor or therapist.
Maintaining a healthy diet, continuing to exercise and getting enough sleep will help manage symptoms of hair loss as well as other afflictions that come from having Covid-19.
It is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle by eating a balanced diet, exercising regularly and getting enough sleep.
Diet: A healthy diet that includes foods like fruits, vegetables and whole grains can provide you with the nutrients that you need to stay strong during recovery.
Exercise: Exercise helps manage stress and anxiety by releasing endorphins in the body.
Sleep: Sleep is vital for repairing damaged tissue and keeping your immune system strong.
If you have been diagnosed with Covid-19 coronavirus or are recovering from an infection caused by it, it’s especially important that you follow these recommendations for maintaining good health now so that your body can recover faster when symptoms don’t seem as severe anymore!
Taking action and being aware of the mental health effects of Covid-19 are crucial for managing hair loss and other issues caused by the coronavirus.
You need to take action, especially if you're suffering from hair loss. Don't let the virus take over your life! Take care of yourself and treat it like any other illness—and yes, it is an illness. If you're struggling with mental health issues after Covid 19 coronavirus (C19), here are some tips on how to help manage those symptoms:
- Get enough sleep. It's important to get at least 6-8 hours of sleep each night, even if you don't feel tired yet or think that staying up late will help distract from feeling sick or upset about C19. Getting enough rest is especially important when dealing with a cold or flu because these illnesses can make it hard for your body to stay alert during the day without getting enough sleep at night.
- Drink plenty of water throughout each day but avoid caffeinated beverages like coffee and tea as much as possible because caffeine makes dehydration worse in some people who have been diagnosed with C19 coronavirus (like me!). If drinking caffeinated drinks makes it harder for you to fall asleep at night then try switching out one cup of coffee per day for decaffeinated green tea instead!
Dealing with Mental Health Challenges due to Hair Loss? This video is for you!
See a specialist for testing
If nothing works, we would recommend seeing a hair loss specialist for testing. With testing, they can determine whether the hair loss is permanent or not and advise the solutions for the same. They have expertise in identifying the possible reasons of hair loss. They not only help retain the remaining hair, but also stimulate the re-growth.
They start by getting to know their clients. During the consultation, they examine the hair and scalp, gathers their personal history, and check the genetic factors, daily lifestyle, environmental conditions, and any other health problems that could impact their scalp health. Based on these factors, they prescribe the solutions.

Final Thoughts
Hair loss post Covid is temporary and reversible. You can easily get recovered by following the ways discussed above. If you're suffering from this affliction and want to know more about how get faster and more effective results you may be a great candidate for our Restorative Therapy program that teaches your body how to regrow your natural hair.
You could also take a look at our haircare products for some of the best vitamins, oils, and shampoos that help to promote hair growth and minimize hair loss.