Stop Hair Loss with DHT Blockers

Stop Hair Loss with DHT Blockers

Posted on: 2020-11-10 || Posted by: Nina Ross

Are you experiencing more hair loss than usual? Whether you are finding more hair on your pillow or favorite clothes than expected, its only natural that you may be in search of the cause and a way to slow or stop this train that is barrelling to hair thinning or balding.

Are you experiencing more hair loss than usual? Whether you are finding more hair on your pillow or favorite clothes than expected, its only natural that you may be in search of the cause and a way to slow or stop this train that is barrelling to hair thinning or balding.

What Causes of Hair Loss in Women?

Believe it or not, more than 40% of women experience some degree of hair loss by the time they reach 40. Female pattern hair loss or androgenetic alopecia is the nonscarring progression of thinning hair commonly found in the central, frontal, and parietal scalp.  

Multiple factors may contribute to hair loss in women, including but not limited to, Vitamin D deficiency, iron deficiency anemia, thyroid problems, changes in hormone levels, genetic sensitivity to androgenic hormones, traction alopecia, environmental factors, medical conditions, medications or treatments, and emotional stress.  

Finding a way to combat hair loss can feel scary for women. The good news is that there are numerous options available in the market like Nina Ross DHT Block Spray and Nina Ross DHT Block Vitamins Let’s take a closer look at why DHT blocker products are proving to be beneficial for some women experiencing hair loss. 

Hormones and Hair Loss in Women

Let’s take a closer look at the relationship that exists between hormones and hair loss. Hormones contribute to hair loss in both men and women. Dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a derivative of the male hormone testosterone, is thought to be at the heart of hair loss in women.  

Men and women have testosterone. Unlike men, women generally have a relatively small testosterone level and possess a higher estrogen and progesterone hormone level. Testerone is best known for regulating sex drive, providing a bit of bone support, so that our bones are not so easily prone to breakage, and is instrumental in helping our muscle tissue.

You can think of testosterone as being a foundation for other hormonal functions. One such hormone is DHT. DHT is a potent hormone that tends to negatively affect the hairline. The best way to think of this process is that your hair follicles that otherwise might produce healthy, thick hair now begins to generate thinner hair that is more prone to breakage. You might hear experts refer to this process as the miniaturization of hair follicles. This event causes your hair to stop growing and, eventually, to fall out.

The miniaturization of hair follicles often appears in the form of a receding hairline, thinning hair at the top of your head, or hair loss that materializes whenever you dare to pass a comb or brush through those precious strands. 

DHT Blocks for Women with Hair Loss

There are multiple treatment options for hair loss in women. Studies show that one such treatment is available in the form of DHT blockers. DHT blockers like Nina Ross DHT Block Spray and Nina Ross DHT Block Vitamins benefit women experiencing female pattern hair loss. Women who consistently use DHT blocker products over 12 months generally witness a noticeable change in their hair density and thickness.

Nina Ross DHT Block Spray contains a unique blend of ingredients. Panax Ginseng root extract, Zinc Gluconate, and Ginko Biloba Extract, and Clary are just a few of the ingredients in these products that are all supportive of healthy hair regrowth efforts. It blocks the formation of DHT and helps to improve scalp circulation. Scalp circulation is critical for healthy hair growth. Our blood carries vital nutrients and minerals like iron, vitamin D, vitamin E, and zinc, which help to stimulate hair follicles and the growth of healthy, thick hair. Without adequate blood circulation, our hair follicles are like a plant without water. They will wither and die.

It is important to note that you should rule out other hair loss causes before using a DHT blocker solution. 

In Closing

DHT blocker products like Nina Ross DHT Block Spray and Nina Ross DHT Block Vitamins can help bock those DHT receptors that may contribute to a receding hairline, thinning hair, and even balding. Consistent use of the product is essential for achieving and sustaining positive changes in density and thickness.

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