Vitamin D & Your Hair: What’s The Connection?

Vitamin D & Your Hair: What’s The Connection?

Posted on: 2020-11-11 || Posted by: Nina Ross

According to a 2016 study, low Vitamin D levels also contribute to hair fall in women with low Vitamin D3 levels. Learn more. 

 What Causes Vitamin D Deficiency?

There are many causes of Vitamin D deficiency due to the things we do, but there are some factors we’ve got little to no control over like;

1. Not Getting Enough Sun

If you’re always indoors or just prefer to avoid the sun, you’re increasing your risk for Vitamin D deficiency [as your body needs the sun to support its Vitamin D production].

2. Your Diet Content

If you don’t have a sufficient amount of Vitamin D in your diet, it can lead to deficiency. It usually affects people on a strict vegan diet as most sources of Vitamin D are present in animal-based foods.

3. Melanin

Studies show that people with darker skin have an increased risk for Vitamin D deficiency. This side effect results from melanin, which reduces the skin’s capacity to produce vitamin D, even with sunlight exposure.

4. Obesity

If you’re overweight, you are likely Vitamin D deficient because your body has a higher demand for Vitamin D than it produces. Without making intentional changes to your diet, having good sun exposure habits, or taking Vitamin D3 Supplements, you’ll continue to have low Vitamin D levels.

5. Medical Conditions

Medical conditions like celiac diseasecystic fibrosis, and Crohn’s disease reduce your intestinal ability to absorb Vitamin D, despite your Vitamin D intake.

How Vitamin D Deficiency Affects Your Hair?

There are many side effects to low Vitamin D levels, back pain, fragile bones, muscle aches, weakness, moodiness, and fatigue. 

Hair loss is also a side effect of Vitamin D deficiency. 

Vitamin D helps our hair follicles to support consistent hair growth. When there’s a deficiency, your hair growth rate can reduce or stop completely, causing unwanted hair loss and balding.

Here are 3 easy ways you can improve your Vitamin D levels.

1. Take Vitamin D3 Supplements 

The good news is Vitamin D3 supplements --like Nina Ross Vitamin D3 Soft Gels-- help you take control of your Vitamin D deficiency. 

Vitamin D3 is quite useful in helping you regrow your hair. But, if you’re unsure of your Vitamin D3 levels, your doctor can evaluate your Vitamin D levels so you can get started on the necessary doses.

2. Eat Foods that Contain Vitamin D

Our Nina Ross Vitamin D3 Soft Gels work great at boosting your Vitamin D blood levels for hair regrowth. You can increase your Vitamin D levels naturally by consuming food and beverages that are high in vitamin D. 

These foods are:

  • Soybeans
  • Fish like salmon, tuna, mackerel perch, rainbow trout
  • Greens like spinach, collards
  • Okra
  • Egg Yolks
  • Mushrooms
  • Beef Liver
  • Cheese
  • Milk and milk products like cheese and ice cream
  • Fortified foods and beverages like orange juice, yogurt, and margarine
  • Plant-based milk alternatives like soy and almond milk

3. Get Some Sunlight

Another natural way to boost your Vitamin D3 levels is to spend 25-40 minutes per day in the sun. 

Yes, this means you’ll need to step outside every day and soak in the rays. 

Ensure you’re exposing more than your face to the sun's rays for best results.

How Much Vitamin D3 Should I Take For Hair Loss?

The average daily intake of Vitamin D3 is 4000 IU [100 micrograms]. Depending on your Vitamin D3 levels, your physician might recommend a higher dose of Vitamin D3 to establish and maintain a ‘therapeutic level’ for positive results, including hair regrowth. 

You also want to ensure you take these supplements with meals that are rich in Vitamin D.

Vitamin D supplements are an excellent way to improve your Vitamin D blood levels. 

Sadly, not all foods contain a sufficient amount of Vitamin D. 

But if you're consistently taking your Vitamin D supplements, there’s a high chance you’d experience hair regrowth within 6-8 weeks. 

Final Thoughts

Hair loss [also called Alopecia] occurs at any age and is due to various factors like genetics, medical treatments/conditions, emotional stress, poor nutrition, and hair product choices.

If you’re experiencing hair loss, try boosting your Vitamin D3 intake. 

Also, encourage your physician to check your vitamin D blood levels. 

Our Nina Ross Vitamin D3 Soft Gels supplements help support your efforts to awaken those hair follicles and generate new hair follicles that support continuous growth. 

Next, change your eating habits and be intentional about eating foods that contain Vitamin D. 

Finally, allow yourself to spend a little time in the sun.

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Vitamin D Deficiency and Hair Loss

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