Here’s Everything You Should Know About Lysine & Its Hair Growth Benefits

Here’s Everything You Should Know About Lysine & Its Hair Growth Benefits

Posted on: 2020-11-10 || Posted by: Nina Ross

If you are looking for a way to improve hair growth, you might consider adding L-lysine supplements to your ritual. Many factors may contribute to difficulty growing hair ranging from diet, hormones, stress, or medications. There are dozens of supplements in the marketplace that promise to improve hair growth and prevent hair loss, including one potent amino acid known as L-lysine.
If you are looking for a way to improve hair growth, you might consider adding L-lysine supplements to your ritual. Many factors may contribute to difficulty growing hair ranging from diet, hormones, stress, and even medications. For some people, medications and hair loss are directly related. There are dozens of supplements in the marketplace that promise to improve hair growth and prevent hair loss, including one potent amino acid known as L-lysine.

What is Lysine?

L-lysine or lysine is an amino acid with the perfect blend of properties to support your hair growth. It’s a building block of protein that offers the body a wealth of benefits, including cold sore treatment, diabetes, athletic performance, and stress. Our bodies do not make this protein. The only way to obtain it is through diet and supplements, like Nina Ross Lysine.   

Benefits of Taking Lysine for Hair Growth

Adding L-lysine to your diet can promote healthy hair growth by enhancing protein synthesis. This essential amino acid stimulates hair production, resulting in fuller and thicker hair. Whether you have thinning hair or desire overall hair improvement, incorporating L-lysine into your routine can yield noticeable results.

There are multiple benefits to increasing your intake of lysine for hair growth. Let’s examine a few reasons for adding this protein to your diet.

1. DHT

Lysine contains properties that allow it to function as a DHT blocker. DHT, or dihydrotestosterone hormone, is a byproduct of testosterone. DHT can cause hair thinning due to its effect on your hair follicles. When DHT levels rise too high, they can slow or completely inhibit the growth of healthy hair. It results in hair thinning or balding. Studies show that lysine can make DHT blockers treatments like Nina Ross DHT Block Spray extremely effective.

2. Improved Hair Growth

Lysine can lead to healthy hair growth or regrowth, particularly in women who have experienced hair loss related to iron deficiency. Lysine enables the body to absorb iron better. By improving the rate at which your body absorbs iron, this beneficial side effect can translate into a better transport of vital nutrients like oxygen, zinc, magnesium, and other vitamins and nutrients to your scalp, enabling your follicles to produce healthy hair.

3. Collagen Production

Lysine can increase collagen production, which is essential for providing the foundation for healthy hair growth. Collagen contributes to hair elasticity. Hair elasticity allows hair to be flexible and withstand daily manipulations and styling activities. Without it, hair can become weakened and susceptible to breakage.

4. Supports Calcium Regulation

Lysine’s ability to enhance collagen production also allows for the regulation of calcium. Calcium deficiencies can leave hair brittle and vulnerable damage if left unchecked. 

Lysine Supplements and Diet

There are steps you can take to increase your intake of lysine. First, you can add Nina Ross Lysine supplements to your daily ritual. Additionally, you can make changes to your diet and increase your lysine intake by consuming lysine-rich foods. Ideal food sources for lysine include:

  • Nuts and seeds like cashews and macadamia
  • Beans like kidney beans, soy, and chickpeas
  • Dairy products like cheese, milk, and yogurt
  • Vegetables such as potatoes and peppers
  • Fish, including salmon and tuna
  • Beef and poultry meats
  • Eggs

The combination of these two approaches should yield an amazing result. 

Lysine and Hair Growth

In Closing

Lysine can prove to be a useful supplement to aid you in growing healthy hair. It provides a wealth of benefits, including a unique ability to supplement DHT blockers you might be using to help combat hair loss.

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