5 Hormones Impacting Your Hair Health: By Dr. Nina

5 Hormones Impacting Your Hair Health: By Dr. Nina

Posted on: 2023-08-11 || Posted by: Nina Ross

Hello, radiant souls! It's Dr. Nina, back with another dive into the intricacies of hair health. Hormones play pivotal roles in our hair's vitality. Today, let's explore these lesser-known heroes and villains of the hormonal world and understand their impact on our lovely locks.

Hello, radiant souls! It's Dr. Nina, back with another dive into the intricacies of hair health. Many of you have asked me about DHT and its relation to hair. Yet, there are other players on the field—hair growth hormones that play pivotal roles in our hair's vitality. Today, let's explore these lesser-known heroes and villains of the hormonal world and understand their impact on our lovely locks.

These 5 hair growth hormones can impact your hair health:

  1. Thyroid Hormones: T3 and T4

  • The Role: Thyroid hormones—T3 (triiodothyronine) and T4 (thyroxine)—govern metabolism, growth, and development.
  • Impact on Hair: An imbalance, be it excess (hyperthyroidism) or deficiency (hypothyroidism), can cause hair loss. If your hair is thinning uniformly across the scalp, it might be signaling a thyroid imbalance.
  1. Estrogen

  • The Role: Primarily a female hormone, estrogen oversees a myriad of functions, including hair growth patterns.
  • Impact on Hair: Rich estrogen levels can bestow us with thicker, longer hair. But sudden drops, as experienced during menopause or post-childbirth, can be a hair-thinning culprit.
  1. Cortisol

  • The Role: Dubbed the 'stress hormone,' cortisol levels spike during stressful times.
  • Impact on Hair: When stress becomes a chronic companion, heightened cortisol levels can disrupt the harmony of hair growth. It's not instant, but the effects may show months after a major stress event.
  1. Insulin

  • The Role: Insulin balances our blood sugar levels, but its mismanagement can impact hair health.
  • Impact on Hair: When insulin goes awry, as seen in insulin resistance scenarios, it can usher in hair thinning, especially for those with conditions like PCOS.
  1. Growth Hormone (GH)

  • The Role: Integral to growth and cell rejuvenation, GH is pivotal for overall well-being.
  • Impact on Hair: GH pampers hair follicles, stimulating both growth and hair shaft elongation. But like all things, balance is key.

Charting the Path to Hormonal Harmony

If you're connecting the dots between your hair woes and hormonal imbalances, here's how I, Dr. Nina, can guide you:

  1. Personalized Evaluation: Every individual is unique. I can help pinpoint the exact hormonal concerns impacting your hair health.
  2. Lifestyle Guidance: It's more than just hormones. I'll provide recommendations on diet, exercise, stress management techniques, and more, to restore hormonal balance.
  3. Tailored Treatments: Depending on your needs, I might suggest specific treatments or interventions to address and rectify the underlying hormonal concerns.

Wrapping Up

Our hair, often termed our 'crowning glory,' is intricately connected to our body's hormonal symphony. Recognizing and addressing imbalances can restore not just the health of your hair, but also your overall well-being.

Reach out, and together, let's embark on a journey to bring back the radiance, bounce, and vitality your hair deserves!

Keep shining, keep thriving!
Dr. Nina

This infographic outlines all the important facts you need to know about 5 hormones impacting your hair health!

5 hormones impacting your hair health

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