Your Guide to Seasonal Hair Loss

Your Guide to Seasonal Hair Loss

Posted on: 2023-09-19 || Posted by: Nina Ross

There are a lot of queries with regard to seasonal hair loss or spring hair loss. While spring is not the only culprit here, dry, cold weather also affects hair growth and loss patterns. Still, there is a lot of information that requires awareness and clarification. Read ahead to know more about this type of hair loss.

Hair fall is a natural phenomenon that occurs as hair follicles transition into a resting phase, resulting in increased hair loss. This shedding is more noticeable during the spring due to longer, hot, and humid days and sun exposure. While some shedding is normal, excessive hair loss may require evaluation by a healthcare professional. There are a lot of queries with regard to seasonal hair loss or spring hair loss. While spring is not the only culprit here, dry, cold weather also affects hair growth and loss patterns. Still, there is a lot of information that requires awareness and clarification. Read ahead to know more about this type of hair loss. 

What is Seasonal Hair Loss?

Seasons not only aggravate allergies and other health conditions. It also affects your hair by triggering excessive hair loss at certain times of the year. This mostly happens between winter to spring. This is normal as it is part of the natural hair growth cycle, where the hair goes through phases of growth, transition, and rest before repeating the process. By addressing the underlying causes of seasonal hair loss and taking care of our hair properly, we can help minimize its impact and maintain healthy hair throughout the year.

How to differentiate between seasonal hair loss and alopecia?

Many people experience spring hair loss as they transition from winter to spring. Typically, this type of hair loss is temporary and nothing to worry about. However, if you notice excessive hair loss or thinning, it could be a sign of a more serious condition called alopecia.

Here are some ways to differentiate between spring hair loss and alopecia:

Amount of Hair Loss:

If you are only experiencing a slightly higher amount of hair falling out than usual, it is probably just spring hair loss. However, if you notice excessive hair loss, thinning, or bald patches, it may be a sign of alopecia.

Location of Hair Loss:

If the hair loss is localized to specific regions of the scalp, it could be a sign of alopecia. In contrast, spring hair loss usually affects the entire scalp.

Family History:

If hair loss runs in your family, you may have a higher risk of developing alopecia.

Other Symptoms:

If you are experiencing additional symptoms like itching, burning, or pain along with hair loss, it may suggest alopecia. 

How to prevent and combat seasonal hair loss?

The cause of seasonal hair loss is not precisely known, but research indicates that it affects more women than men. Generally, if you take good care of your hair and scalp, seasonal shedding shouldn't be a cause for concern. Over time, the shedding will stabilize and return to normal levels, allowing for continued hair growth. However, neglecting proper hair and scalp maintenance can result in long-term hair loss from seasonal shedding.

  • Environmental factors such as sunlight, pollution, rainwater, and dust can have detrimental effects on your hair, leaving it dry, brittle, and lacking vitality. To safeguard your hair's health, it is crucial to take preventive measures. If your hair is exposed to rain or dust, washing it on the same day is advisable.
  • To promote hair regeneration during seasonal hair loss, it's vital to maintain a balanced and nutrient-rich diet. Providing your hair with the necessary vitamins and minerals is especially important during these periods. Essential nutrients, such as B vitamins, play a crucial role in stimulating proper hair regrowth and improving its structure. Additionally, vitamins A and C possess antioxidant properties and promote blood flow, keeping the scalp nourished and hydrated to maintain strong, resilient, and visibly healthy hair.
  • To promote faster hair regeneration during this season, consider incorporating targeted products into your hair care routine. These products, such as DHT Block Spray by Nina Ross Hair Therapy or their holistic hair treatments, use a combination of active ingredients and natural extracts to stimulate accelerated hair growth after experiencing significant loss.
  • To maintain your hair and prevent hair loss during spring, consider adjusting your use of heat styling tools. Instead of relying on hair dryers, straighteners, and curling irons frequently, take advantage of warmer temperatures and let your hair air-dry naturally. Additionally, when drying your hair with a towel, gently pat it instead of rubbing to minimize damage. These simple practices can help promote healthy hair and reduce the risk of hair loss.


Is seasonal hair loss normal?

During certain periods, hair follicles undergo a resting phase, leading to increased hair shedding. This phenomenon is particularly noticeable in the spring when longer days and greater exposure to sunlight trigger the shedding process. However, it is important to note that while some hair loss is normal, excessive shedding may indicate an underlying issue that should be assessed by a healthcare professional.

How long does seasonal hair loss last?

Typically, seasonal shedding occurs during the fall months, like September and October, and at certain points in the spring, such as April and May.

This timing coincides with the second half of the hair growth cycle, during which more hairs are shed. To better understand the hair cycle, here is an overview:

  • Anagen: This is the active growth phase when roughly 85% of your hair is actively growing.
  • Catagen: In this phase, hair transitions and prepares to shed by detaching from the bulb.
  • Telogen: Approximately 15% of your hair is in this resting phase as new strands start to grow.
  • Exogen: During this phase, new hair strands push out old hair from the scalp, resulting in excessive hair loss.

How can I stop seasonal hair loss?

Seasonal hair loss is more common than you know but it requires attention as it could trigger symptoms that could turn into chronic conditions. Taking care of your diet, controlling frizz and damage to hair, and practicing good hair care tips will ensure minimal to zero seasonal hair loss.


Understanding the seasonal hair loss and its association with overall hair health is crucial. While normal shedding is a natural process, excessive hair loss should prompt an evaluation from a hair doctor or a healthcare professional. By prioritizing a nourishing diet, embracing a healthy lifestyle, and seeking appropriate medical care when necessary, you can actively support the growth and well-being of your hair.

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