Traction alopecia is a type of hair loss that occurs when the hair is pulled too tightly, damaging the hair follicles and preventing them from growing healthy hair. It is most commonly seen in people with tight braids, cornrows, and other styles that put a lot of pressure on the hair.
As a black woman, I know all too well the pain and frustration of dealing with traction alopecia. Not only can it cause serious damage to your hair, but it can also affect your self-esteem and confidence.
When is it too late to fix Traction Alopecia?
One of the biggest reasons why traction alopecia is so bad is that it can be difficult to reverse once it has set in. The hair follicles are damaged, and they may not be able to regrow healthy hair. In severe cases, it may even lead to permanent hair loss.
It is important to note that there is no specific time frame for when it is too late to fix traction alopecia. The severity of the condition and the extent of the damage to the hair follicles will determine the likelihood of successful treatment.
In general, the earlier traction alopecia is detected and treated, the better the chances of reversing the damage and regrowing healthy hair. If the hair follicles are only slightly damaged, they may be able to recover and regrow healthy hair with proper treatment.
However, if the damage to the hair follicles is severe and has been left untreated for a long time, it may be more difficult to reverse the effects of traction alopecia. In these cases, it is important to consult with a hair professional who can assess the condition and recommend the best course of action.
It is also worth noting that some people may not be able to completely reverse the effects of traction alopecia and may need to consider alternative options, such as wigs or hairpieces, to cover up the hair loss.
In conclusion, it is never too late to seek treatment for traction alopecia, but the earlier it is detected and treated, the better the chances of reversing the damage and regrowing healthy hair. Consult with a hair professional to determine the best course of action for your specific situation.
What causes Traction Alopecia?
Another reason why traction alopecia is so bad is that it can be caused by something as seemingly harmless as tight braids or cornrows. Many of us love to rock these styles because they look great and are easy to maintain. However, if they are done too tightly or left in for too long, they can cause traction alopecia.

So, how can you avoid traction alopecia and protect your hair? Here are a few tips:
- Be gentle with your hair. Avoid pulling it too tight and try to use hair styles that put less strain on your hair.
- Take breaks from tight hairstyles. If you wear braids, cornrows, or other tight styles regularly, give your hair a break in between and let it rest.
- Invest in good hair products. It is easy to fall for the product your favorite influencer uses. Be mindful and use products that suit your condition best. Take a look at Follicle Spark Spray which is formulated with essential vitamins that kick-start hair into an extended anagen (growth) phase.
- Moisturize your hair regularly. Dry hair is more susceptible to damage, so make sure to keep your hair moisturized and nourished.
- Consult with a hair professional. If you are concerned about traction alopecia or are experiencing hair loss, it is best to consult with a hair professional who can advise you on the best course of action.

In conclusion, traction alopecia is a serious problem that can cause permanent hair loss and damage to the hair follicles. It is important to be gentle with your hair and avoid tight hairstyles that can cause damage. By following the tips above, you can protect your hair and keep it healthy and beautiful.