Why Should You Worry About An Oily Scalp?
Having an oily scalp can be due to many factors and conditions. Your scalp has tiny glands that are responsible for its production of natural oils known as sebum.
Sebum is responsible for ensuring that both your scalp and hair maintains a sufficient moisture level. When your hair produces too little sebum production, it can cause problems like hair loss, scalp inflammation, and irritation.
Too much sebum oil production? Your scalp/hair will be greasy and you might think this is a good problem [against other people who want their scalp to stay moisturized].
But too much of a good thing has its bad sides. Excess oil production will clog your pores, disrupt the hair growth cycle and stop your follicles from producing hair.
Disturbances to your hair growth cycle lead to hair loss.
How An Oily Scalp Causes Hair Loss
Underlying scalp problems like Psoriasis, Seborrheic dermatitis, or using some hair products can trigger your sebaceous glands to produce excess oil.
Having excess sebum oil and skin cell build-up on your scalp is like creating the best thriving ground for scalp irritation, inflammation, and hair loss.
Our Top Recommendations for An Oily Scalp
While there’s no cure for an oily scalp; you can tackle its major triggers and take effective steps to control its oil production level.
Pick the Right Shampoo for Your Hair
Your hair product choices affect the quality and health of your scalp. So, if you’ve got an oily scalp, avoid products that contain heavy oils or resins.
Another factor for you to consider is the DHT hormone. DHT causes your hair follicles to shrink and as a result, thins out your hair and triggers hair loss.
Choose shampoos like Nina Ross Hair Therapy Dermatitis Shampoo or the Gro and Glo Shampoo and Gro and Glo Conditioner to help your hair and scalp recover from too much sebum production.
Embrace Natural Remedies
Many natural remedies help you manage your oily scalp and hair. They include:
Black Tea. Washing your hair with black tea helps get rid of excess hair oil. Black tea is rich in antioxidants, and also has amazing antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. Using it for your hair reduces sebum production as it acts like an antibacterial and antifungal agent.
Tea Tree Oil. Tea tree oil is well-recognized as a potent, natural antimicrobial agent that keeps infections and viruses at bay. It’s a natural, healing essential oil that naturally cleanses your pores and soothes the scalp of any irritation and inflammation.
Peppermint Oil. Peppermint oil is excellent for an itchy scalp. It helps absorb excess oil production on your scalp and functions like an antiseptic product.
Apple Cider Vinegar. One tablespoon of apple cider vinegar can naturally treat your oily scalp and hair condition without drying it out. It fights against bacteria on your scalp and restores your scalp to its normal pH level.

Final Thoughts
An oily scalp can lead to hair thinning and hair loss if you don’t do anything about it.
So, always ensure you use products that don't alleviate your hair problems and find ways to keep your pores open and clean.
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In closing, an oily scalp can cause hair thinning and hair loss if you allow them to go untreated for too long. Always take steps to use products that do not add to your problem and look for ways to naturally keep your pores open and clean to avoid unwanted hair loss.