Looking to save your hair from hair loss and shedding? Do these things right now!

Looking to save your hair from hair loss and shedding? Do these things right now!

Posted on: 2022-10-05 || Posted by: Nina Ross

You don't have to live with hair loss or shedding. With some simple tips and tricks, you can address these problems easily.

You might be wondering how to stop hair shedding. Losing your hair is a scary experience! Mainly because there are SO many reasons why you could be losing such as genetics, from a medical condition, to poor health and nutrition, to stress. And while some people can get away with losing a few hairs here and there without it being noticeable, others find that their hair loss is more severe and noticeable.

If you're worried about keeping the strands on your head, read for tips to protect your hair from hair loss and shedding.

1. Clean up your diet right away

To start, you should clean up your diet. As simple as it sounds, eating well is one of the most effective ways to promote healthy hair and prevent shedding. You might be thinking that this seems like a lot of work, but fortunately it’s not! The following tips will help:

  • Eat more vegetables. Vegetables are rich in vitamins A and C which can promote healthy skin and good circulation to the scalp—both critical factors in preventing hair loss.

  • Eat more protein-rich foods such as nuts, beans and fish (especially salmon). Protein promotes cell growth which helps with thicker strands of hair by providing them with vital nutrients they need to grow strong roots or shafts so they don't break off when brushed against something hard like bristles from a brush or combed through fingers during styling processes like blow drying/straightening treatments for curly styles..

  • Drink plenty of water everyday; this keeps your body hydrated which prevents dryness from causing irritation around sensitive areas such as the scalp area where oil glands surround each follicle producing dead cells called dandruff flakes when irritated by too much heat exposure over time due high heat settings on appliances used daily without using protective sprays before styling tools are used against them regularly every morning before getting dressed for work/school etcetera."

Some tips from a Trichologist:

2. Start taking vitamins proven to stop shedding and grow longer hair

There are many vitamins that are proven to help with hair, but a few stand out the most: B-Vitamins, Vitamin E, Zinc and Vitamin C.


The B-Vitamins are essential for hair growth and health. They’re also important for your overall health and well-being, so it’s a good idea to make sure you get enough of them every day.

When it comes to hair health, B-Vitamins are especially important. B-Vitamins help your hair grow, maintain its health and strength, and reduce breakage and shedding.

Vitamin E:

Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that helps protect your hair from damage caused by the sun’s UV rays as well as environmental pollutants like cigarette smoke, vehicle exhaust and more. For hair growth, Vitamin E works by boosting blood circulation to the scalp and strengthening hair follicles, which helps your hair grow faster.

Vitamin E is also an important nutrient for healthy, shiny hair.

Vitamin C:

Vitamin C has been shown to strengthen the follicles of your scalp by preventing breakage from trauma as well as from everyday wear and tear.*

Vitamin C also helps with hair growth by increasing the amount of collagen in the scalp. As you may know, collagen is a protein that makes up about 80% of your skin, bones and connective tissues. It’s also necessary for healthy hair growth—so if you’re not getting enough vitamin C in your diet, it can be one of the reasons why your hair isn’t growing as quickly (or at all) as you want it to.


Zinc helps with hair loss by stimulating hair growth. In fact, it’s one of the many reasons why people with pattern baldness see their hair loss slow down or stop completely when they take zinc supplements. Zinc also helps repair damage to your scalp caused by inflammation and stress—two common causes of hair loss.

Zinc also plays a key role in your body’s absorption of protein. And since protein is essential for the growth, maintenance and repair of all cells including those that make up hair, zinc can help improve hair health.

All of these supplements are easily available and will boost your hair health in no time. So, if you’re looking for a natural remedy to help with hair loss and thinning, try these supplements today!

3. See a professional like a Trichologist or Dermatologist for an evaluation

If you're concerned about hair loss or shedding, the best thing to do is see a professional like a trichologist (a trained para-medical professional that specializes in treating scalp and hair conditions) or dermatologist. A number of different factors can explain why you're losing hair — from genetics and hormones to medications and nutritional deficiencies. A professional can help determine what's causing your hair loss, how severe it is, and how to treat it.

Trichologists are especially helpful because they are trained to detect and diagnose hair loss issues, while dermatologists will often tell you to try over-the-counter treatments before recommending something more serious.

hair shedding tips


Your hair is an important part of your appearance and self-image. It's important to take good care of it, especially if you have thinning or shedding. We hope that these tips will help you stay on top of your grooming routine so that you don't lose any more hair than necessary!

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