How to Stop Alopecia Areata from Spreading?

How to Stop Alopecia Areata from Spreading?

Posted on: 2023-04-27 || Posted by: Nina Ross

An autoimmune condition like Alopecia Areata can be a challenging journey. There are times with full hair regrowth to the reoccurrence of small patches. Damage control seems like the only option in such cases. If you know how to stop alopecia areata from spreading, the journey becomes a lot less frustrating.

An autoimmune condition like Alopecia Areata can be a challenging journey. There are times with full hair regrowth to the reoccurrence of small patches. Damage control seems like the only option in such cases. If you know how to stop alopecia areata from spreading, the journey becomes a lot less frustrating.

What Can Trigger Alopecia Areata?

Alopecia Areata ranges in severity. It could be near-complete baldness to tiny multiple patches on the scalp. It can affect anyone, regardless of age or gender, and can be a distressing condition to deal with. As devastating as it sounds, several factors can contribute to the development of this condition, and act accordingly.

alopecia areata causes


Here are some of the top causes of Alopecia Areata:

1. Genetics

Alopecia Areata can be hereditary, meaning it can be passed down from parents to their children. As a first-degree relative of someone suffering from alopecia areata, you may be at a higher risk of developing the condition.

2. Autoimmune disorders

Alopecia Areata is mostly genetic, still, it could be an immune disorder where the healthy cells are mistakenly targeted as foreign cells. If you have another autoimmune disorder, such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus, you may be at a higher risk of developing Alopecia Areata. Sadly, with autoimmune disorders, there is no one way how things work for an individual.

3. Stress

Stress is a common trigger for Alopecia Areata. Hair loss is a significant indication of growing stress levels. This is because it weakens the immune system and leads to inflammation resulting in hair thinning or loss.

4. Infections

Certain infections can trigger Alopecia Areata. For example, a fungal infection of the scalp called tinea capitis can cause hair loss. If you have a scalp infection, it is important to get prompt treatment to prevent further hair loss.

5. Environmental factors

Environmental factors play a major role here. Exposure to toxins or pollutants can contribute to the development of Alopecia Areata. Some habits like smoking and alcohol consumption, for example, have been linked to an increased risk of hair loss.

While the exact cause of Alopecia Areata is not fully understood, several factors can contribute to the development of this condition. These triggers can all play a significant role in the development of Alopecia Areata.

How to Stop Alopecia Areata from Spreading?

Here are some tips to help you stop Alopecia Areata from spreading:

How to Stop Alopecia Areata from Spreading

1. Find the best Trichologist

If you suspect that you have Alopecia Areata, it is important to consult with a specialist as soon as possible. They can diagnose the condition and provide you with the appropriate treatment plan. The chances of further deterioration are rare with the right treatment. The earlier you seek diagnosis and treatment, the better the chances of preventing further hair loss. Even if you suspect an unusual hair loss pattern, it is important to consult with a trichologist to determine the underlying cause and develop an appropriate treatment plan.

2. Use corticosteroids

Corticosteroids are often used to treat Alopecia Areata. They work by reducing inflammation and suppressing the immune system. This can help prevent further hair loss and promote hair regrowth. Corticosteroids can be applied topically, injected into the affected area, or taken orally.

3. Practice good hair care habits

Another great way to stop alopecia Areata from spreading is by taking good care of your hair. Avoid using heating tools and harsh chemicals on your hair. Use a gentle shampoo and conditioner, and avoid washing your hair too frequently. Be gentle when brushing or combing your hair, and avoid tight hairstyles that can lead to traction alopecia.

4. Reduce stress

Stress is a common trigger for Alopecia Areata. If you are going through a stressful period in your life, manage your stress levels by working on your nutrition, sleep, and physical activity. While it is impossible to eliminate stress from your life, there are steps you can take to reduce it. Practice relaxation techniques, such as meditation or deep breathing. Exercise regularly, and make sure to get enough sleep.

5. Consider other treatments

In addition to corticosteroids, other treatments by an Alopecia Areata doctor may help prevent Alopecia Areata from spreading. These include immunotherapy, which involves injecting a substance into the affected area to stimulate hair growth, and light therapy, which uses ultraviolet light to stimulate hair growth.

Final Thoughts

In conclusion, Alopecia Areata can be a challenging condition to deal with, but there are steps you can take to help prevent it from spreading. We hope this article has given you some great tips on how to stop your alopecia areata from spreading. It can be a scary disorder, but all it takes is for us to take control of our health and control the spread of this disease. If you have any more questions about how to do this, feel free to book an appointment with Dr. Nina Ross!

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