Can Female Androgenetic Alopecia be Reversed? Read Here

Can Female Androgenetic Alopecia be Reversed? Read Here

Posted on: 2023-07-14 || Posted by: Nina Ross

Female pattern hair loss affects up to 30 million American women. It is also known as androgenetic alopecia. This is a common condition that causes hair to gradually thin and fall out.

Hair is often viewed as an essential aspect of one’s identity, and losing it can be a stressful and emotional experience for many people. Female pattern hair loss affects up to 30 million American women. It is also known as androgenetic alopecia. This is a common condition that causes hair to gradually thin and fall out.

Causes of Female Pattern Hair Loss

Can female androgenetic alopecia be reversed? That entirely depends on the causes. Genetics and hormones are the main agents of androgenetic alopecia. It occurs when hair follicles, which are tiny openings in the skin that produce hair, gradually shrink over time. The reduced size of the follicles leads to shorter and thinner hair strands, eventually leading to hair loss.

Signs and Symptoms

The symptoms and indications of female pattern hair loss involve thinning hair on the crown and top of the head. The hairline typically remains unchanged, and women often do not experience significant baldness like men.

Hair Loss and Thinning


A dermatologist can diagnose female pattern hair loss after conducting a physical examination and analyzing the patient’s medical history. A sample of your hair may also be taken by the doctor to evaluate whether it indicates any other underlying issues that might be triggering hair loss.


So again the question arises Can female androgenetic alopecia be reversed? Androgenetic alopecia has no cure particularly, but there are holistic therapies available to halt the process and boost hair growth. The effectiveness of treatment varies from one individual to another.

1. Minoxidil

Minoxidil is a prescribed medication that can be applied topically to the scalp. It is considered the most effective treatment for female pattern hair loss. Minoxidil triggers hair growth by widening the blood vessels in the scalp, increasing blood flow that nourishes the hair follicles.

2. Anti-Androgens

Anti-androgens are medications that inhibit the effects of androgen hormones, which are known to cause hair loss. Anti-androgen medications typically require a prescription and are often used to treat female pattern hair loss caused by polycystic ovary syndrome.

3. Hair Transplantation

If your androgenetic alopecia case is severe, hair transplantation could be an option. This process involves moving hair follicles from one part of the scalp to a balding area. This therapy approach is usually cost-effective and needs numerous sessions to attain the desired result.


While female pattern hair loss cannot be prevented entirely, there are several steps that women can take to reduce their risk. Maintaining a healthy regime with a good diet, sleep schedule, and physical activity can help promote healthy hair growth. Avoiding hairstyles that pull the hair tightly, like braids or ponytails, can also help reduce hair loss. 

The pulling and pressure put on your hair due to these hairstyles can lead to traction alopecia.


Most common myths about Female Pattern Hair Loss

Hair loss is a somewhat prevalent disorder affecting millions of women throughout the world. Unfortunately, there are several myths and misconceptions surrounding this topic. We will refute some of the most frequently received myths concerning female pattern hair loss.
Female Baldness

Myth #1:

Female pattern hair loss is caused by stress. While both physical and mental stress may trigger hair loss in women, it is not the most common cause of female pattern hair loss. The primary cause of female pattern hair loss is genetics, as well as hormonal changes that occur with age.

Myth #2:

Only elderly women experience hair loss. Women of every age group, not just older women, can have female pattern hair loss. It nevertheless becomes more frequent in women over the age of 50.

Myth #3

Hair products and accessories cause hair loss. Wearing hats or using hair products does not cause female pattern hair loss. However, hats and hair products can contribute to hair breakage and damage when used excessively or improperly.

Myth #4

Hair loss is always permanent. Hair loss caused by female pattern hair loss is not always permanent. In some cases, hair growth can be restored with proper treatment, such as using topical medications or undergoing hair transplantation surgery.

Myth #5

Cutting hair frequently makes it grow back thicker. Cutting hair frequently does not make it grow back thicker. Hair thickness is determined by genetics, and cutting hair has no effect on the thickness of new hair growth.

Myth #6

Hair transplantation surgeries are only for men. The procedure for hair transplantation is non-gendered and can be done on everyone. It is, in fact, an increasingly common therapeutic choice for both male and female pattern hair loss.

Myth #7

Hairstyles cause baldness. Tight hairstyles, such as braids or ponytails, can cause breakage and damage. It is not, however, the primary cause of androgenetic alopecia.

Final Thoughts: Can female androgenetic alopecia be reversed?

There are several misconceptions about female pattern hair loss that may lead to confusion and concern in people who are experiencing it.

However, understanding the true nature of female pattern hair loss and its causes can help alleviate concerns and provide a clearer path toward treatment. By separating fact from fiction, women can take control of their health and well-being when it comes to their hair.

Female pattern hair loss is a common condition that is linked to genetics and hormones. While it can be a stressful and emotional experience, there are several treatments available to slow the process and promote hair growth. With proper diagnosis and treatment, women can maintain healthy and luscious locks for years to come.

Need a hair loss evaluation? Book an appointment with Dr. Nina Ross.

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